Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Publications and other products of scholarship related to research and practice in intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Pham H, Benevides TW, Andersen ML, Bahr M, Nicholson J, Corey T…..Vuong H. Advancing health policy and outcomes for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. JAMA Health Forum. Early Online.
Bogenschutz M, Johnson KR, Hall S, Lineberry S*, Rand J, Rosetti Z, Shikapurya S, Ticha R, West A*. 2024. An equity-based research agenda to promote social inclusion and belonging for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Intellect Dev Disabil. 62(3): 186-199.
Johnson KR, Blaskowitz M, Mahoney W. 2023. Technology supports for adults with intellectual disability: Secondary analysis of a scoping review. Can J Occup Ther. 90(4): 395-404.
Gary KW, Sima AP, Taylor JP, Johnson KR, Stromberg KA*, O’Neill-Pirozzi TM. 2023. Temporal trends of functional outcomes for people of color and Whites with traumatic brain injury. Rehabil Res Policy Edu. 37(3): 221-233.
Zhang W, Johnson KR. 2023. Geographic variation in preventable hospitalization among US children with autism. Children. 10(7): 1228.
Zhang W, Watson L, Johnson KR. 2023. Racial disparities in hospitalization due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions among U.S. children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord. Early online.
Blaskowitz M, Johnson KR, Bergfelt, T, Mahoney W. 2021. Evidence to inform occupational therapy intervention with adults with intellectual disability: A scoping review. Am J Occup Ther. 75(3): 7503180010.
Johnson KR, Bogenschutz M, Peak K. 2021. Propositions for race-based research in intellectual and developmental disabilities. Inclusion. 9(3): 156-169.
Mahoney W, Blaskowitz M, Johnson KR. 2021. Scoping review of occupational therapy related assessments for adults with intellectual disability. Am J Occup Ther. 75(3): 7503180100.
Washington SE, Johnson KR, Hollenbeck, JM. 2021. Environmental modification and supports for participation among adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A scoping review of the literature. Am J Occup Ther. 75(4). [in press]
Jones D, Nicolaidis C, Ellwood LJ, Garcia A, Johnson KR, Lopez K, Waisman TC. 2020. An expert discussion on structural racism in autism research and practice. Autism in Adulthood. 2(4).
Johnson KR, Bagatell N. 2020. Negotiating tensions on the front-line: Circuits of accountability and self-governance in institutional care of adults with intellectual disability. Work Employ Soc. 34(4): 644-660.
Bogenschutz M, Dinora P, Johnson KR. 2019. Case management workforce supporting people with ID/DD: Indications of a new frontier of the workforce crisis. Intellect Dev Disabil.
Johnson KR, Blaskowitz M, Mahoney W. 2019. Occupational therapy practice with adults with intellectual disability: What more can we do? Open J Occup Ther. 7(2).
Gary KW, Sima A., Wehman P, Johnson KR. 2018. Transitioning racial/ethnic minorities with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Influence of socioeconomic status on related services. Career Dev Transit Except Individ.
Johnson KR, Bagatell N. 2018. “No! You can’t have it.”: Problematizing choice in institutionalized adults with intellectual disabilities. J Intellect Disabil. 24(1).
Johnson KR, Bagatell N. 2017. Beyond custodial care: Mediating choice and participation for adults with intellectual disabilities. J Occup Sci. 24(4): 546-560.
Belgrave FZ, Gary KW, Johnson KR. Culture, race, and disability. In: D. Dunn’s, editor, Understanding the experience of disability: Perspectives from social and rehabilitation psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2019. p. 122-136.
Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy
Published manuscripts, book chapters, abstracts, and presentations featuring occupational science and occupational therapy content.
Pereira A, Johnson KR, Coelho F, Magalhães L. Racism and anti-racism in occupational therapy practices: A scoping review protocol. Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional [accepted]
Parkin RA*, Johnson KR. 2024. Interrogating whiteness: Social responsibility and occupational science scholarship. J Occup Sci. Early online.
Johnson KR, Washington S, Hoyt C, Banks T, Román-Oyloa R, Hamed R. 2024. State of the science: Establishing DEI priorities in occupational therapy research. Am J Occup Ther. 78(1): 7801349010.
Johnson KR, Kirby AV, Washington S, Lavalley R, Faison T. 2022. The issue is - Linking antiracist action from the classroom to practice. Am J Occup Ther. 76: 7605345030.
Wasmuth S, Milton C, Pritchard K, Johnson KR, Wakeford L, Caldwell B, Peak K, Briggeman L, Johnson K. 2022. Narrative theater to examine and mitigate anti-Black racism within occupational therapy. OTJR. online ahead of print. https://doi: 10.1177/15394492221078190
Johnson KR, Lavalley R. 2020. From racialized think-pieces to anti-racism praxis in our science, practice, and education. J Occup Sci.
Lavalley, R, Johnson, KR. 2020. Occupation, injustice, and anti-Black racism in the United States of America. J Occup Sci. 27(s1).
Johnson KR, Dickie V. What is occupation? In: B.A.B. Schell, G. Gillen, editors, Willard and Spackman’s occupational therapy 13th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2019. p. 2 – 10.
Shotwell M, Johnson KR, Miranda I. Evaluation. In: H. S. Gabai, S. Holm, editors, Occupational therapy practice in acute care. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association Press; 2017. p. 37 – 62.
Robinson K, Shotwell M. Evaluation of the acute care patient. In: H. S. Gabai, editor Occupational therapy practice in acute care. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association Press; 2011. p. 1 – 39.
Other Products of Scholarship
Black Rehabilitation Manifesto
Embry, A., Jackson, D., Mitchell, M., Collier, T., Gaugis, V., VanHoose, L., . . . Varnado, K. (2020, October 3). The Black rehabilitation manifesto. Retrieved from
How Cooking Culture Excludes People with Disabilities
How cooking culture excludes people with disabilities, July 27, 2020, Retrieved from
Disrupting the Cycle: Improving navigation of health services for Black people with IDD