I have had a passion for science, healthcare, and philanthropy since I was a child. My intensive studying and hard work paid off in 2006 when I graduated with a Master of Science degree in occupational therapy and again in 2016 when I became the first African American to earn a Doctor of Philosophy degree in occupational science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I enjoy bridging my work in research, education, and activism and mentoring emerging leaders in my discipline; and I do not take my position as an academic activist in occupational science and occupational therapy for granted. My efforts toward changing the perceptions of who can be scientists, researchers, and professors and who belongs in the Ivory Tower are intentional. As I often quote on Instagram and Twitter, this is #SlayingAcademia! To learn more about my work in occupational science, occupational therapy, and intellectual and developmental disabilities, check out my current projects and publications. Thank you for visiting my site!